Person Answering Interrogatories Has To Be Truthful, Giving False Answers Can Be Visited With Perjury: Delhi High Court
2 years, 6 months ago

Person Answering Interrogatories Has To Be Truthful, Giving False Answers Can Be Visited With Perjury: Delhi High Court

Live Law  

The Delhi High Court has observed that it is incumbent upon a person answering the interrogatories to be truthful in the answers and if the person is eventually found to have given false answers, they can be visited with consequences like perjury, since the answer given in response to interrogatory can be used in evidence. "Under Order 11, Rule 22 CPC, the answer given in response to an interrogatory can be used in evidence, and therefore, its correctness and veracity will be established only at trial," Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri observed. The Court analyzed Order 11 Rule 21 of CPC and opined that a party is obligated to answer the interrogatory served upon it with the leave of Court and that there shall not be willful non- compliance of the order of the Court. "Further, under Rule 11, where any person omits to answer or answers insufficiently, the party interrogating may apply to the Court for an order requiring him to answer or to answer further, as the case may be.

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