What the world’s happiest children tell us about where Britain is going wrong
1 year, 6 months ago

What the world’s happiest children tell us about where Britain is going wrong

The Independent  

As a country facing an overwhelming array of challenges, from the cost-of-living crisis to a faltering NHS, we often feel punch-drunk trying to work out what needs fixing first. Last year’s Good Childhood Report found the same thing – that the happiness of UK children has fallen to its lowest levels since The Children’s Society also started tracking it in 2009. “But it’s important to acknowledge the potential long-term damage that words said under stress can have on children’s happiness and mental health.” Denmark Children at UK primary schools have 45 minutes less break time a week than in 1995, while secondary pupils have 65 minutes less, according to research in 2019 from University College London. As a result, children feel less ‘boxed in’, meaning there's an opportunity for them to explore more and grow in a safe psychological environment.” Rudkin adds: “Assessments and targets starting in primary and school league tables increase the pressure on schools and teachers to produce results – and that pressure filters down to the kids who also get told there’s only one to succeed by passing exams.” Switzerland The age when British parents allow children to go outside the home alone or play without supervision has continued to rise over recent decades. “Swiss parents understand that kids do best when given the freedom to make choices and decisions, fail and navigate through the ups and downs of life.” As Ivy League educator Julie Lythcott-Haims points out in her book How to Raise an Adult, not trusting children to go it alone sends the message: “Kids, you actually can’t do any of this without me.” In turn, a range of research has found this creates more vulnerable and anxious young people, who believe they can't handle challenges.

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