Grieving carer decorates home with 90,000 lights in tribute to late Christmas-loving partner
3 months, 3 weeks ago

Grieving carer decorates home with 90,000 lights in tribute to late Christmas-loving partner

Daily Mail  

A grieving carer has decorated his home with thousands of sparkling festive lights in an adoring tribute to his Christmas-loving partner. Paul Bibby, 59, has decorated his Essex home with thousands of lights in honour of his late partner His partner Lynda Cummings passed away last October. He has since dedicated his astonishing display to her The 59=year-old has strung up over 30,000 lights with 70,000 colourful bulbs, as well as several inflatable festive figures including a snowman and Santa Claus Famed for his incredible festive decorations, visitors have travelled as far as South Africa to catch a glimpse of his home in the past In a touching ode to his late partner Lynda, he has created a sign which reads: 'My light are dedicated to Lynda.' The full-time carer has been adorning his home with thousands of lights for the last 18 years - however this Christmas may be his last In honour of his late partner Lynda, he plans to make this display his biggest and best yet - despite the £300 electricity bill The avid-decorator was half way through putting the lights up when his partner unexpectedly passed away 'I thought - you've started this, so you've got to finish it,' he explained: 'Lynda was a big fan of the lights - and before she got ill she'd fill our house with decorations. An adult and baby admire the magnificent lights draped all over Paul's home in Chelmsford, Essex Mr Bibby has previously decorated his home with England flags for the Euros final against in 2024 and for the King's coronation this year he put up a hundred union jacks With the help of his 37-year-old son Aaron, takes around 45 minutes to blow up all the inflatable props every morning and to deflate them every night.

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