Labour used to howl down any benefit cuts. So do they now have the resolve to slash billions from sicknote handouts? DANIEL HANNAN
1 week, 2 days ago

Labour used to howl down any benefit cuts. So do they now have the resolve to slash billions from sicknote handouts? DANIEL HANNAN

Daily Mail  

Do you remember when Labour MPs used to howl down any attempt at welfare reform as genocide? The Work and Pensions Secretary, Liz Kendall, is reportedly looking to save £6 billion from the welfare budget, largely by tightening the rules on mental health sicknotes. Labour plainly won't reduce the NHS budget – although it might be able to introduce an insurance element into the system, allowing hospitals to do more with less. Something has gone very badly wrong when employers are crying out for more staff, and yet 9.3 million people of working age are inactive, 5.9 million of them on benefits. Having accused the last government of destroying Britain's reputation by failing to increase the foreign aid budget, Labour is cutting it in order to increase defence spending.

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