Arxan's natural bounty finds fresh fans
1 year, 3 months ago

Arxan's natural bounty finds fresh fans

China Daily  

Autumn paints a golden hue to the lush forests in Arxan in Inner Mongolia autonomous region, a prime destination for nature lovers. Nestled in the southwestern foothills of the Greater Hinggan Mountains in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region is Arxan, a city where nature reigns supreme. The area's dense forests and other natural resources have not only fueled its evolution from a timber-dependent economy to a burgeoning tourist destination over the past decade, but have also provided a wealth of artistic inspiration. Three years ago, she started to collect pine cones, pine needles and different-shaped leaves from the forests, and then began skillfully affixing these natural elements to rigid cardboard to create intricate patterns.

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Arxan's natural bounty finds fresh fans
1 year, 3 months ago

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