'Frustrated' Donald Trump threatens to raise taxes on China imports: US President challenges Xi Jinping either change or suffer consequences
FirstpostBut Trump also has an incentive to reach a deal. Beijing: By threatening to raise taxes on Chinese imports, President Donald Trump is throwing down a challenge to Beijing: Agree to sweeping changes in China’s government-dominated economic model — or suffer the consequences. — Donald J. Trump May 5, 2019 The president vowed to raise tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports from 10 percent to 25 percent on Friday. And he said he planned “shortly” to slap 25 percent tariffs on another $325 billion in Chinese products, covering everything China ships to the United States. Michael Pillsbury, director of the Hudson Institute’s Center on Chinese Strategy and an adviser to the Trump White House, said the president’s tweets suggest frustration that Chinese leaders “are trying to take back concessions they already made.” The two countries are engaged in high-stakes commercial combat over China’s aggressive push to establish Chinese companies as world leaders in cutting-edge fields such as robotics and electric vehicles.