Is There A Way To Keep Using Opioid Painkillers And Reduce Risk?
NPRIs There A Way To Keep Using Opioid Painkillers And Reduce Risk? "Life wasn't going to be worth living if I couldn't get the pain under control," McHann says. In a viewpoint published last month in JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association, CDC officials wrote that while illicit opioids such as fentanyl seem to be driving the recent increase in opioid-related overdose deaths, "unnecessary exposure to prescription opioids must be reduced to prevent development of opioid use disorder in the first place." "I have certainly met a good number of patients who have not found better options and are now taking opioids for chronic pain," says Stefan Kertesz, a physician who is a professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, certified in addiction medicine. Going forward, Kertesz says he hopes that new medications will be developed that will have less potential for addiction, "but I think human suffering is really complicated and doctors need to have the room to make professional decisions — together with their patients — about what works best for them."
History of this topic

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