Milky Way Galaxy Shown to Be Teeming With Planets
WiredJust 20 years ago, astronomers had no direct evidence that planets orbited other stars. Now, researchers estimate the Milky Way galaxy contains a huge number of planets, with Earth-sized worlds vastly outnumbering the rest. "We find that, on average, every star has a planet, and since there are at least 100 billion stars, there are at least 100 billion planets," said astronomer Kailash Sahu of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, who co-authored the new study, appearing Jan. 11 in Nature. Unlike other detection methods, such as looking for the slight wobble a planet exerts on its parent star, microlensing can discover planets with many different masses and distances from their star. Because microlensing observations are known to miss a certain percentage of planets, the researchers could use statistical analysis to get the true number of exoplanets in the galaxy.
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