HTLS 2020: Resetting the coordinates for the journey to the future
4 years, 1 month ago

HTLS 2020: Resetting the coordinates for the journey to the future

Hindustan Times  

Nobel laureate Toni Morrison wrote “if we do not create the future, the present extends itself”. It is not difficult to do so, if one recognises that health is the distillate of many domains of human activity and is the best summative indicator of sustainable and equitable development. This makes it easier to modify them through common measures that can alter many of them, to create a positive synergy to promote health, protect the environment, eliminate poverty, prevent conflict and propel humanity to a better future. Instead, they mass produce and aggressively market ultra-processed foods, sugar sweetened beverages or breast milk substitutes which create many forms of malnutrition and disordered health. Health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, effective treatment, restorative rehabilitation and supportive palliative care must provide a comprehensive set of services under a system of universal health coverage.

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