Delhi bomb alerts: Juvenile linked to ’Afzal Guru-inclined’ party; BJP targets AAP, ‘what kind of education is this’
Live MintThe Delhi Police claimed on Tuesday, January 14, that the juvenile who was recently held for allegedly sending bomb threats to more than 400 city schools is linked to an NGO that supports a political party which had voiced support to Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru. In a press conference, Special CP Law & Order Madhup Tiwari said the juvenile, a Class 12 student, had been sending the bomb alerts to Delhi schools since the beginning, prompting the Bharatiya Janata Party to target the ruling Aam Aadmi Party over the education being provided to the students. He further added that after profiling the juvenile's family, the police found one of the parents had links with a political party which was inclined towards supporting Afzal Guru. In response to the Delhi Police's claims, the BJP criticized the AAP over the quality of education in Delhi schools, stressing that it was a juvenile who had sent the bomb alerts in schools.