Why any man hiding a history of predatory sexual behaviour now faces a reckoning... after I named the man who groped me at Number 10 Downing St
1 year ago

Why any man hiding a history of predatory sexual behaviour now faces a reckoning... after I named the man who groped me at Number 10 Downing St

Daily Mail  

We’re only just over seven weeks into 2024 and already the news is full of ­stories of powerful men facing allegations of sexual misdemeanours. It is almost seven years since the revelations about Harvey Weinstein’s criminal sexual ­misconduct provoked the MeToo movement — seven years in which one might imagine that every powerful man with a predatory past would have been exposed. As one woman told me: ‘It is all too easy in these “he said/she said” situations for the woman to be written off as a hysteric suffering from “mental health” issues.’ Three more women came forward and spoke to the Financial Times about being groped by Korski. This is a man who had boasted of being a ‘sex addict’ but whose charisma and box office appeal had made people think that his sexual proclivities must be consensual. Then there’s hedge fund manager Crispin Odey, who resigned from his company after 13 women came forward to accuse him of sexual assault or harassment over a period of 25 years.

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