Green Manure - Gardening Australia
ABCSERIES 35 | Episode 37 Green manures help improve soil health at any time of the year. Having a green manure crop also avoids the problems that can come when soil is bare for too long – it can dry out, lose its structure and become lifeless as all those organisms previously in the soil will move on to a better home. A thick cover of green manure also stops weeds from taking hold. How to plant green manure Prepare your soil with compost or aged manures, forking it into the soil Prepare your soil with compost or aged manures, forking it into the soil Sow a thick cover of seed mix Sow a thick cover of seed mix Rake it in Rake it in Water in well Water in well Cover with shade cloth or similar to prevent birds eating the seed Cover with shade cloth or similar to prevent birds eating the seed Remove cover once the seed has germinated and is sprouting Remove cover once the seed has germinated and is sprouting After about 6 weeks, the crops should be ready to be cut down and dug into the soil After about 6 weeks, the crops should be ready to be cut down and dug into the soil Dig it in again about a week later Dig it in again about a week later You soil will be ready for replanting in about two weeks’ time.