Tamil Nadu SSLC Class 10 supplementary exam results declared; check score on dge.tn.nic.in
FirstpostThe Tamil Nadu SSLC was released by the TN Directorate of Government Examinations released the results for the Secondary School Leaving Certificate class 10 supplementary examination on Wednesday, on their official website dge.tn.nic.in The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations released the results for the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Class 10 supplementary examination on Wednesday, on their official website dge.tn.nic.in. NDTV reported that there may be a glitch with the Tamil Nadu SSLC result website due to heavy traffic on it. Here is how you can check your result for the Tamil Nadu SSLC Class 10 supplementary exam: — Go to the official website dge.tn.nic.in — Select the notification for the SSLC supplementary exam results 2018 — Put in roll number and details in the fields given and click ‘Submit’ — Download your result, save a copy and take a print out for future reference. The SSLC Class 10 result was declared on 23 May, and this year the pass percentage stood at 94.5 percent with Sivagangai district scoring the highest with 98.5.