Seven Worlds One Planet review: BBC America’s docu-series gains more relevance due to climate change crisis
FirstpostSeven Worlds One Planet is dedicated to each of Earth’s continents, highlighting how life developed on every continent, and the factors threatening its unique biodiversity. BBC America’s new big-budget, big-scope documentary series, Seven Worlds One Planet, comes at a crucial point with regard to the ongoing climate change crisis. As breathtaking montages of Antarctica’s snowy landscapes glide across our screen, Attenborough delivers in a grave tone, “This may be the most critical moment for life on Earth since the continents formed.” The episode begins with a survival drama—a newborn seal pup who is too young to swim lies on the ice in Antarctica in a minus 40-degree blizzard. Seven Worlds One Planet has a lot to offer but most of all, it insists us to revel in the wonders of our planet and ponder upon conserving them.