Does The Twist In 'Watchmen' Episode 2 Signal Another Is On The Way?
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING When it comes to “Watchmen,” you have to watch closely. For instance, the big twist in Episode 2 comes when Angela Abar/Sister Night discovers that her dearly departed boss, Chief Judd Crawford, had KKK robes hidden in his bedroom closet. So far in the show, it appears that the popular “Watchmen” comic book character Rorschach has been represented by the white supremacist group Seventh Kavalry, which has appropriated his inkblot mask for its own use. However, taking into account Abar discovering Crawford’s costume, it seems she’s also a stand-in for the character: Her storyline directly mirrors Rorschach’s journey at the beginning of the 1986 comic. for “Watchmen,” and having two polar opposites — a white supremacist terrorist group and a Black, female police officer — representing different aspects of the same character seems par for the course.