Surplus PPE being sent from NI to help with Ukrainian crisis
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. These supplies have played an important role in the acute phase of the crisis response Robin Swann It is the latest consignment donated through Self Help Africa, St Vincent de Paul, YMCA and Hope 365, and is in addition to 10 flights from the UK to Poland to provide aid to Ukraine. Mr Swann said: “These supplies have played an important role in the acute phase of the crisis response. “As in any emergency situation, we must be careful not to overwhelm fragile delivery systems as there is currently limited capacity to receive and arrange onward delivery of supplies into Ukraine and the region, so the most effective way we can contribute is as part of the national response efforts which are being guided by those on the ground.” He added: “My officials continue to work closely with the UK Government, UK Health Security Agency and the other devolved administrations to mobilise a variety of items including equipment, such as monitors and medical consumable items, personal protective equipment and medicines, in response to specific requests from the government of Ukraine. “I will continue to look for every opportunity to identify how we can work collaboratively over the coming days, weeks and months to identify how best we can assist in mitigating this humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.” The minister also urged the public, when considering making cash donations, to do so through established emergency response appeal mechanisms, such as the Disasters Emergency Committee.
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