Reservation or No Reservation
4 years, 8 months ago

Reservation or No Reservation

Live Law  

Caste system, where or how did it start and how does it end? Through all these assertions I want to bring your focus on the most debated issues, i.e., If the Reservation policy initially introduced for 10 years should be abolished, since it has done enough upliftment and, If the Present reservation policy, being the only affirmative action of the state for historically deprived communities, is enough for the upliftment? We know when reservation policy was introduced, it was mandated only for 10-year period the main idea was to give an opportunity to reserved section for having representation in the state's administration which will lead to upliftment of socio-economic status an ultimately resulting into a structure of society that will be non-discriminatory. Even the famously alleged institutional murder case of Rohit Vemula, Payal Tadvi and recent AIIMS doctor's suicide attempt case pointing out at caste discrimination, clearly show the true picture of present societal structure. Through reservation policy, the reserved has availed jobs but the social stigma or the traditional authority of caste discrimination still remains dominant within our unequal social structure.

History of this topic

Economic Reservation In India: Sub Classification Of SC ST
7 months ago
Reservation as a political imperative
4 years, 7 months ago
Reservations are psychological crutches for Scheduled Castes, have only perpetuated caste system instead of destroying it
4 years, 8 months ago
Determining backwardness
10 years ago
Those appointed in government service through physically handicapped quota would also be entitled to reservation while getting promoted: SC
10 years, 1 month ago
Reservation & beyond
12 years, 6 months ago
Why quotas for promotions are a bad, bad idea
12 years, 7 months ago

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