累计超8万例 美国成全球新冠肺炎确诊病例最多国家
China Daily根据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的最新数据,截至美国东部时间3月26日18时,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例为82404例,累计死亡1178例,成为全球确诊病例最多的国家。美国总统特朗普则表示希望在复活节前“开放美国社会”,放宽疫情管控。 A man in a surgical mask walks by the New York Stock Exchange as coronavirus continued to influence markets in Manhattan, New York City, New York, US, March 16, 2020. 他补充道:“当我说回去工作的时候,很多人会误解,他们将尽可能保持社交距离、洗手、不握手,并采取我们谈论过的所有措施。” In a letter to state governors on Thursday, Mr Trump said his team plans to release federal social distancing guidelines that may advise some regions to loosen restrictions. 他说,“新的指南”将美国划分为低、中、高风险区域,使政府能够就“保持、增加或放松社交距离以及其他已实施的缓解疫情措施”提供建议。 A man wears a protective mask as he walks on Wall Street during the coronavirus outbreak in New York City, New York, March 13, 2020. 特朗普已动用联邦权力来应对疫情,比如《斯塔福德法案》,该法案启动了数百亿美元的紧急援助。 其他进展: Canada has condemned a US proposal to deploy troops along their joint border to help fight the spread of coronavirus, with the deputy prime minister saying it would be an "entirely unnecessary step which we would view as damaging to our relationship" 加拿大谴责了美国的一项提议,即在两国边境沿线部署军队,以帮助抗击新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延。加拿大副总理表示,这将是“完全不必要的步骤,我们认为这将损害两国关系。” A supermarket in Pennsylvania said it had to destroy more than $35,000 worth of food after a woman intentionally coughed all over it in a coronavirus prank.