Does Labor plan to use your super as a 'piggy bank' to fund its pet projects?
2 years ago

Does Labor plan to use your super as a 'piggy bank' to fund its pet projects?


CheckMate is a weekly newsletter from RMIT FactLab that draws on the work of its sister organisation, RMIT ABC Fact Check, to recap the latest in the world of fact checking and misinformation. "Super isn't a piggy bank for Labor's pet projects," Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor wrote on Facebook. The executive summary of that paper states there is a significant opportunity to "leverage greater superannuation investment in areas where there is alignment between the best financial interests of members and national economic priorities". Speaking at a doorstop interview soon after, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones clarified that Labor's "first, second and third principles" for super was the "best financial interests of fund members". And while there is indeed no national indemnity scheme to protect doctors from being sued, in 2021 the Morrison government established an alternative "no-fault" scheme to compensate patients for known side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.

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