Duffy reveals harrowing details of four week rape ordeal
4 years, 9 months ago

Duffy reveals harrowing details of four week rape ordeal

Daily Mail  

It troubles me that this story contains sorrow, when so many need the opposite of that at this time. It was being told by a male, I had come to know and really like as a friend, that “most men would run a mile if they knew you were raped”. And as I grieved what 'I must have done to invite this into my life', I read something that said, “in the end, it’s never between them and you, it’s always between them and God”. After the rape and kidnaping I had a handful of romantic experiences and each one would “love bomb” me and want the person on the album cover, while I was just a person hurt. Then the catalysts I mentioned, being told “most men would run a mile”, made me face the fear of it not hindering my romantic life.

History of this topic

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4 years, 9 months ago
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