Global energy demand dealt a huge blow by the coronavirus pandemic says IEA report
CNNLondon CNN Business — Global energy use has been dealt such a huge blow by the coronavirus pandemic that it’s like wiping out demand from all of India, a country of 1.3 billion people and the world’s third biggest consumer. That’s according to the International Energy Agency, which said in a new report Thursday that demand for energy could crash 6% this year if lockdowns persist for many months and the economic recovery is slow. “It is still too early to determine the longer term impacts, but the energy industry that emerges from this crisis will be significantly different from the one that came before.” Demand for coal, oil and gas has been slammed as a result of shutdowns aimed at containing the spread of the virus, which have put the brakes on economic activity and brought international air travel almost to a standstill. “The design of economic stimulus packages presents a major opportunity for governments to link economic recovery efforts with clean energy transitions — and steer the energy system onto a more sustainable path,” the IEA said in its report.