US attorney general wanted to stop Gerry Adams fundraising trip
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy The United States attorney general attempted to block Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams from fundraising there in 1995, newly released records show. In a letter dated February 1995 to Mr Clinton’s national security adviser Tony Lake, Ms Reno expressed frustration “by the latest effort” to modify restrictions that stopped Mr Adams raising money from Irish-American donors. A separate note contained in the files says that Mr Adams then expressed worries about his situation in the US, hoping that a renewed visa would waive restrictions on fundraising. In a note to Dublin after spending an evening with Mr Lake at a Chieftains’ concert, Mr O hUiginn said the US security adviser had expressed “strong surprise” at “the over-the-top British reaction”, including Mr Major refusing to take a call from Mr Clinton.
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