‘Devastating’ Shutdowns During Coronavirus Crisis Hurl Small Businesses Into Uncertainty
Huff PostTORONTO — Dave Auger’s dream restaurant was days away from its one-year anniversary when he had to lay off its entire staff, including himself — more than 20 people. “As a business owner who is already stressed about the loss of sales, it’s very overwhelming to read and try to understand what exactly is being offered.” Bowden started a petition asking the federal government to temporarily exempt independent businesses from paying their 2019 HST and 2020 income tax and to postpone this year’s payment deadline to 2021. “As you can imagine, the volume of patrons in restaurants and all food businesses alike has decreased significantly — lows like we’ve never experienced before,” she wrote on Change.org. “We want to make sure when this is over with — because we don’t know, is it only going to be three weeks or is it going to be extended — we want to make sure that we still have viability to run into the future.” Her remote staff is staying in touch with the children they care for, even though they can’t be in the same space, Prospero said. It’s really heartening to see that connection even through these tough times.” Auger, the Toronto sports bar manager, said he hopes to eventually hold a one-year anniversary party.