Pingdemic leaves nurseries in ‘chaos’ with many forced to suspend provision
The IndependentSign up for the Independent Women email for the latest news, opinion and features Get the Independent Women email for free Get the Independent Women email for free SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. In a letter to the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, seen exclusively by The Independent, three leading early years and childcare sector organisations in the UK warned: “The recent spike in the number of adults being ‘pinged’ by the NHS app, or asked to self-isolate after coming into contact with a positive case, is having a significant impact on many settings’ ability to support the families who rely on them. “We are therefore deeply disappointed that the government has not recognised a need for early years and childcare practitioners who have been vaccinated to be allowed to continue to work, subject to daily Covid testing.” The letter, which has been signed by the Early Years Alliance, which represents, nurseries, pre-schools, and registered childminders, among others, stated early years providers give children a critical “sense of stability and normality” at what they described as a “very difficult time”. “There is very little point in exempting people from self-isolation if childcare isn’t included as people will not be able to go to work if they don’t have childcare.” Ms Brearley noted the decision to force early years staff to self-isolate will mean they have to do so if a child in the bubble they are working in gets Covid as everyone in that bubble has to self-isolate even if they get a negative test result. Childcare providers have kept the country going in the pandemic.” Ms Brearley said the dearth of support for the early years sector is “symptomatic” of the government not taking childcare issues seriously as it is “all men making the decisions.” “Many of the male ministers making the decisions around the table do not have to consider childcare because they have nannies or have someone else who sorts it out for them,” she added.