Electronic forcefields bid to block organised crime gangs' 'drug drones' swarming over UK prisons
Daily MailElectronic forcefields could be used to block drones carrying drugs into prisons across the UK. This comes after Chief Inspector of Prisons Charlie Taylor said police and jail chiefs have ‘ceded the airspace above two high-security prisons to organised crime gangs’ amid huge numbers of illicit drone flights. Illustrative picture from security company Drone Defence who have developed a drone proof fence for prisons like Guernsey's Les Nicolles prison A drone in flight. A forcefield in Guernsey is currently being used to block drones Drones are dropping drugs and weapons to dangerous prisoners being held in high-security jails Mr De Carteret said he had been contacted by both the Home Office and the Scottish prison service. Prisoners at HMP Garth have used kettles to burn holes into Perspex windows so they can smuggle in drugs from drones Prisoners at HMP Garth used mops and brooms to haul in drugs from drones.
History of this topic

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