Queering The Law: Vidhi's Report on How Gendered Laws Affect LGBTQ Community [Read Report]
Live LawVidhi Centre for Legal Policy has released its report on the Gender Impact Assessment of the laws in India. Titled 'Queering The Law', the report highlights as to how our laws are plagued by the flawed and restrictive understanding of sexual and gender complexities that exist in our society. The report also terms medical establishments as a major site of violence for LGBTQI community as the medical texts continue to treat non-normative genders and sexual orientations as 'deviant'. Change in Gender Identity in Law: Despite the judgment in NALSA recognising the fundamental right of an individual to choose her gender identity, the proposed Transgenders Bill of 2019 is silent on the status of rights and liabilities of a person upon change of their gender identity. Apart from undermining the right to self-determine gender identity, the law also conflates the distinction between sex and gender, despite the same being recognised in the NALSA judgment.