Healthy minds? The Dutch are taking fewer pills than expected
5 years, 4 months ago

Healthy minds? The Dutch are taking fewer pills than expected

Dutch News  

Despite the increase in the size of the population of the Netherlands, and the rise in the number of elderly people, the amount of medicine used by the Dutch last year barely rose, according to figures from drugs usage monitor SFK. Experts told the paper that the difference is likely to be due to increasing awareness of the implications of medicine usage and the phenomenon of ‘deprescribing’. ‘We know now that sleeping pills are pointless because they increase the risk of falls and don’t work in the long term,’ pharmacist Bart van den Bemt told the paper. And whole groups of people used to take them.’ Groningen University professor Liset van Dijk told the paper that people may just becoming more reluctant to take drugs.

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Healthy minds? The Dutch are taking fewer pills than expected
5 years, 4 months ago

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