全球疫情消息汇总:欧盟全境封锁30天 欧洲杯推迟到明年
China Daily欧盟拟禁止非必要的旅行者进入、2020欧洲杯足球赛因疫情推迟至明年举行、因担心马来西亚食品供应中断,新加坡又现恐慌性购买……来看新冠肺炎疫情全球最新消息汇总。 People line up at the Delta Air Lines ticketing desk inside Terminal 2E at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in Roissy, after the US banned travel from Europe, as France grapples with an outbreak of coronavirus disease, March 12, 2020. 英国新冠肺炎死亡人数为71人,人们被告知要避免社交,尽量在家工作,避免所有不必要的国外旅行。 The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has unveiled a financial package worth £330bn to ease the burden caused by the virus, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday urged people to avoid pubs, clubs and cafes. 爱尔兰总理利奥·瓦拉德卡说,到3月底,爱尔兰新冠肺炎确诊病例或达1.5万例。在圣帕特里克节的讲话中,他警告说,经济损失“严重而持久”,并表示紧急状态可能会持续到夏季。政府已经关闭了酒吧、中小学和大学。 欧洲其他地区 Belgium's death toll doubled from five to 10 on Tuesday 周二(3月17日),比利时的死亡人数翻倍,从5人增加到10人。 Sweden is to close all high schools and universities from Wednesday 瑞典将从周三(3月18日)起关闭所有高中和大学。 Orthodox priests in Georgia have started blessing the streets of the capital Tbilisi with holy water 格鲁吉亚东正教牧师开始用圣水为首都第比利斯的街道祈福。 其他地区的最新消息 Iran remains the world's third-worst-affected nation, after China and Italy. 3月17日,中国境内新增确诊病例仅有一例,但有20多例输入型病例。 The Philippines became the first nation to shut its stock exchange indefinitely 菲律宾成为第一个无限期关闭证券交易所的国家。 Malaysia is barring people crossing the border with Singapore from Wednesday, sparking a rush on food stores in the city state, which depends on Malaysia for supplies 从周三(3月18日)开始,马来西亚将禁止人们穿越马来西亚与新加坡的边境,这引发了新加坡的食品商店抢购潮。新加坡依赖马来西亚供货。 India's iconic Taj Mahal monument has shut down 印度标志性建筑泰姬陵已经关闭。 Scientists in Australia say they have identified how the body's immune system fights the Covid-19 virus 澳大利亚科学家表示,他们已经确定了人体免疫系统是如何对抗新冠病毒的。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning