Credence makes it three-in-a-row
3 days, 4 hours ago

Credence makes it three-in-a-row

The Hindu  

Trainer Shazaan Shah’s filly Credence, ridden by apprentice jockey Aditya Waydande, completed her hat-trick by winning The Hindu Trophy, the feature event of Thursday’s evening races here. FREE PRESS JOURNAL TROPHY : EASTERN MONARCH 1, Charlie Brown 2, Charisse 3 and Lightning Mcqueen 4. INDIRACE.COM TROPHY : EKLA CHOLO 1, Lightning Blaze 2, Untitled 3 and The Sengol Queen 4. THE HINDU TROPHY : CREDENCE 1, Fighton 2, Timeless Vision 3 and Azrinaz 4.

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