TRAI chief RS Sharma cannot be prosecuted for disclosing his Aadhaar card details: Here's a look at reasons why
FirstpostAadhaar challenge has now been followed by a UIDAI warning against the disclosure of Aadhaar numbers. The TRAI chairman, RS Sharma’s controversial Aadhaar challenge has now been followed by a UIDAI warning against the disclosure of Aadhaar numbers, terming it as an act that is ‘not in accordance with the law’. While the point the TRAI chief was trying to prove, that the knowing Aadhaar number can do him no harm, remains unproven, his act has triggered a serious law and order problem. Thus, on this basis, every person who retweeted the TRAI chief’s Aadhaar number, or every news agency that published it, or anyone who otherwise shared it, has violated the law. The UIDAI describes this disclosure by a person of their own Aadhaar numbers as an act that is ‘not in accordance with the law’.