Wynyard RSL president disgusted by Glenorchy RSL linking pokies to Anzac Day
7 years, 1 month ago

Wynyard RSL president disgusted by Glenorchy RSL linking pokies to Anzac Day


The president of a north-west Tasmanian RSL club that ditched poker machines in 2014 says pokies were a financial drain and removing them had little impact on Anzac Day events. "If poker machines are ripped out of pubs and clubs, and in this case at Glenorchy, it will likely lead to the closure of the Glenorchy RSL," he said. "Needless to say if there is no Glenorchy RSL there will be no Anzac Day there," he said. "Anzac Day and RSL clubs will always exist, with or without pokies," she said.

History of this topic

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