Hindu seers watch 'The Kashmir Files' movie in Karnataka's Belagavi
Op IndiaA group of over 50 Hindu Sadhus reached a theatre in Karnataka’s Belagavi on Thursday to watch The Kashmir Files on Wednesday. Led by Hindu seer Shivanand Swamiji of the Hukkeri Math, more than 50 sadhus and religious gurus watched the blockbuster movie – ‘The Kashmir Files’ at a theatre. Hindu seers watched the movie ‘The Kashmir Files’ at Nucleus Mall in Belagavi. “The Kashmir Files is just not a movie, but it is associated with the emotions of the Hindu community,” said Hindu seer Shri Shivanand Swamiji after watching the Vivek Agnihotri directorial movie. Hindu seers spoke to media after watching the movie – ‘The Kashmir Files’ Prior to the start of the film, the Hindu sheers chanted Shanti Mantra for the peace and well-being of humanity.