Zoom vulnerable to foreign surveillance, says US intel report
India TodayZoom sits atop the concerns around privacy and security currently as people switched to connecting via video meetings amid lockdown. "Zoom’s sudden immense growth and use across both public and private sector entities in combination with its highly publicized cybersecurity issues creates a vulnerable, target-rich environment," noted the report. A Zoom spokesperson told ABC News that the intelligence report is " heavily misinformed, includes blatant inaccuracies about Zoom’s operations, and the authors themselves admit only ‘moderate confidence’ in their own reporting." In response to the concerns regarding cybersecurity, the Zoom spokesperson told ABC News that the company "has layered safeguards, robust cybersecurity protection, and internal controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to data." Zoom later clarified it happened "mistakenly" as Zoom clients connected to the next available data server, which was in China, to optimise the network traffic influx due to the surge in video calls.