Married At First Sight: Vanessa Romito's demand to producers at the reunion
Daily MailMarried At First Sight's Vanessa Romito threatened to pull out of the girls' night just hours before filming last year - despite the episode being centered around her. 'Vanessa made it clear to bosses that she would only stay if they guaranteed she wouldn't have to see Chris under any circumstances,' a source close to the show told Daily Mail Australia on Monday. Demand: After she landed in Sydney Airport on November 26 ahead of filming, she was willing to fly straight back to Perth unless her one demand to producers was met Nervous: 'She made it very clear to the bosses that she would only stay if they guaranteed she wouldn't have to see Chris under any circumstances,' a source close to the show told Daily Mail Australia on Monday Daily Mail Australia understands that by this point, Vanessa had already moved on with her new boyfriend James - who she texted throughout the day for support. New love: Daily Mail Australia understands that by this point, Vanessa had already moved on with her new boyfriend James - who she texted throughout the day for support Last month, Vanessa and Chris's 'marriage' abruptly ended and they quit the show.