Bringing gender pronouns out at work
Live MintIt’s a memory that often reminds Rajiv Sharma how far he’s come in his worklife. “Our insurance benefits cover live-in partners regardless of the employee’s marital status or sexual orientation,” says Vieshaka Dutta, director- diversity equity and inclusion, Publicis Sapient, a digital consulting firm. It’s optional, but we encourage employees to express their individuality through their personal pronouns,” says Vipul Singh, vice-president and head of human resources, ADP India, a payroll processing firm. “We have onboarded an LGBT+ focused recruitment consultant as our talent acquisition partner, which helps us be inclusive when it comes to members of the community,” says Neerja Bhardwaj, HR business partner, India Technology, GE. “At GE, we have held multiple workshops on the pitfalls of making assumptions on someone’s gender by their names or appearance,” says Bhardwaj.