17 April Historical Events: Know about major events that took place on this date
1 year, 8 months ago

17 April Historical Events: Know about major events that took place on this date


Check this space to read about the historical events that took place on 17 April. 17 April Historical Events 1970 - Apollo 13 returned to Earth After facing a severe malfunction in space, Apollo 13, a US lunar spacecraft safely entered the Earth’s atmosphere on 17 April 1970. 1982 - The Canada Act was proclaimed A month after being approved by the British Parliament, the Canada Act, also known as the Constitution Act was proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth II on 17 April 1982. 2021 - Funeral of Prince Philip On 17 April 2021, the funeral of Prince Philip, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh was held by the royal family at the St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle.

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