People in Canberra with a disability are 'trapped' in their housing, but new rules could change that
3 years, 11 months ago

People in Canberra with a disability are 'trapped' in their housing, but new rules could change that


Canberrans with physical disabilities often need to build their own homes or end up in public housing, according to advocates, but proposed new national requirements may force builders to construct all new homes to accessible standards. Key points: Changes to the National Construction Code are being considered by state and federal ministers next week Advocates say the current voluntary guidelines have failed to provide adequate housing for people with disabilities The reforms could require new homes to be built with wider doors, no entry steps and ground floor bathrooms Currently, people with disabilities can find carrying out even the most simple tasks impossible in the average Canberra house, according to accessibility advocate Craig Wallace. Disability housing advocate Craig Wallace says most Canberra homes are inadequate for elderly people or people with physical disabilities. The standards would mean all homes, townhouses and apartments built in the future would need to meet "universal design" standards— that is, be accessible for most people, regardless of their age, disability, background or other factors. Ms Vassarotti said the current voluntary guidelines, introduced over a decade ago, had failed to create accessible housing, with only five per cent of new homes complying in the past 10 years.

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