They both lost their spouses to cancer. Then they unexpectedly found love on opposite sides of the world
55 years, 2 months ago

They both lost their spouses to cancer. Then they unexpectedly found love on opposite sides of the world


CNN — When Catherine Robinson’s husband died in May 2017, she was left devastated and totally unmoored. “Then, all of a sudden I went from having this purpose every day to waking up in the morning and not knowing, thinking ‘What do I need to get out of bed for?’” says Catherine. Across the world, there has got to be somebody else who knows what I’m feeling.’ “And by pure chance, I came across Randy’s blog.” Catherine stumbled across the blog following a Google search. Catherine and Randy’s growing connection, and the passing of time, also helped them both “come to terms with their grief, and start to heal,” says Randy. “She really accepted and welcomed me.” As Catherine and Randy established themselves as a couple in Australia, they agreed they’d return to the US every six months to see his family there.

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