China DailyHere's what comfort food looks like in 26 countries around the world 食物不只让我们保持身体健康,还让我们心情愉悦。英国的炸鱼薯条、美国的烤芝士三明治、希腊的慕萨卡、法国的洋葱汤……每个国家都有让人舒适的美味食物。来看看世界各国值得一尝的爽心美食。 盘点全球26个国家的爽心美食(上) 内幕网截图 PHILIPPINES: Kare-kare 菲律宾:牛尾汤 Kare-kare is a nutty and sweet Philippine stew. 豆拌饭是一种古老的印度爽口菜,把大米和小扁豆放在一口锅中做成。 内幕网截图 PUERTO RICO: Mofongo 波多黎各:莫方果 Mofongo, a ball-shaped dish of pickled, fried, and then smashed plantains that are flavored with garlic, salt, and oil in a wooden pilón, is a Puerto Rican staple usually served alongside a hearty stew or broth. 莫方果是一种球形菜肴,做法是把大蕉腌制、油炸然后捣碎,再用大蒜、盐和油在木制槽中调味。它是波多黎各人的主食,通常与丰盛的炖菜或肉汤一起食用。 内幕网截图 GREECE: Moussaka 希腊:木莎卡 Moussaka — a baked dish that can be described as Greece's version of lasagna — typically features layers of fried eggplant, potatoes, ground meat, and spices, all topped off with grated cheese and a cream sauce such as béchamel. 莎苏卡是一种鸡蛋炖菜,用西红柿、辣椒和洋葱调的辣酱烹制而成,辅以孜然调味。虽然它可能起源于北非,但却是整个中东地区的热门菜。 内幕网截图 CUBA: Picadillo 古巴:什锦肉糜 Picadillo, a Cuban-style hash, routinely features a base of ground beef and tomatoes, but you'll find different renditions of the dish depending on which region you're eating it in.