Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela
Al JazeeraUS president makes demand while hosting Fabiana Rosales, wife of opposition leader Juan Guaido, at the White House. Russia and China have backed President Nicolas Maduro, while the United States and most Western countries support opposition leader Juan Guaido. It’s only up to the people of Venezuela and its only legitimate President Nicolas Maduro,” Polyanskiy said on Twitter. #AHORA | Fabiana Rosales cuenta en reunión con el presidente Donald Trump cómo el régimen de Nicolás Maduro ha intentado intimidar a su esposo a través de detenciones a sus allegados ↓ — NTN24 March 27, 2019 Earlier at the White House, Rosales met Vice President Mike Pence and told him power outages and food shortages were hurting children in her country. “Our message very simply is: We’re with you,” Pence said Ongoing electricity outages Meanwhile, the country is experiencing its second major blackout, which has left the streets of Caracas mostly empty, and residents wondering how long power would be out amid a deepening economic crisis.