Servants of Knowledge digitises over 33,000 books in NLSIU library
1 month ago

Servants of Knowledge digitises over 33,000 books in NLSIU library

The Hindu  

Servants of Knowledge, a non-profit organisation working towards creating free and universal access to public data, has completed the digitisation of over 33,000 books in the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. It has also created a digitised database of law books and legal resources for visually-challenged students, which will be available at Gandhi Bhavan in Bengaluru. Through IDIA On the project for the visually-challenged students, Mr. Malamud said that SoK had donated funds to the organisation Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access to help their efforts towards accessibility. Founded by Shamnad Basheer, a lawyer who fought to ensure accessibility to quality materials for law students from deprived communities and disabled groups, IDIA has been working with SoK to turn books into Braille formats, and audiobooks.

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