New Pearson Survey Uncovers Challenges Faced by English Language Test Takers in India
Deccan ChronicleThe survey spotlights how test takers perceive the unfair impact of looks, accents, and appearances on their English language test outcomes ● 62% believe that their Indian accent will unfairly impact their English language test score, while 74% feel this way about their appearance ● 64% test takers believe faking a non-Indian accent can improve test results, and 76% feel they need to dress differently Mumbai, 19 Feb 2025: Pearson, the world’s lifelong learning company and its English Language Learning business, today revealed insights from a social perceptionsurvey conducted by the Pearson Test of English - its English language test for study, work, and migration visas. The survey unveils that over 3 in 5 English test takers in India believe that their Indian accent would negatively impact their speaking test outcomes, and almost 3 in 4 believe that their appearance might impact their test score when a human examiner is involved. As per the survey, over 3 out of 5 test takers, especially in Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, believe that removing their Indian accents while speaking English will positively impact test scores. By designing a test that eliminates biases and emphasizes English skills, we aim to foster a positive and inclusive environment where everyone has a fair opportunity to chase their dreams.” Pearson Test of English’s new campaign channels these insights to emphasise the need for fairer English language testing.By spotlighting how people try to change how they look or speak to fit social moulds, the campaign seeks to inspire a discussion on creating fair, bias-free environments where ability and potential take centre stage.
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