With coronavirus border restrictions, Scott Morrison is at the whim of the states — and it's worse than we thought
ABCThings have obviously been worse than we thought. The strains in the Federation, brought on primarily by tension over border closures, have long since rendered the Prime Minister's "we're all in this together" slogan redundant. On Friday, the Prime Minister emerged from a turning point National Cabinet meeting to reveal that "at times it has felt like Australia could break apart". There is currently no agreed definition of a "hot spot", and this may prove an intractable sticking point, but if consensus can be found among NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory, then far more free movement could be possible than is currently allowed. The Victorian Premier today unveils his much-awaited plan to end the harsh Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne and map out the future for the rest of the state.
History of this topic

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As Gladys Berejiklian fell from the top of the power list, Scott Morrison literally raced out ahead of her with his own agenda
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