Harsh realities of being a professional 'girl gamer'
BBCHarsh realities of being a professional 'girl gamer' Getty Images They endure everything from subtle jabs to full-on death threats, but these women are not deterred from pursuing their passion for professional gaming. Canadian Stephanie Harvey – or missharvey as she's known in the gaming world – is a video game developer and e-sports player who’s played for female teams that have won six major international competitions. Getty Images Female gamers often join women-only teams, but some opt to play on mixed teams with men So why is the term “girl gamer” seen as derogatory? Getty Images Female gamers say the sexism would subside if more women entered the industry and if more video games introduced lead female characters Trolls told Leahviathan to “get cancer and die” and made rape threats because she promoted a game they didn't like. Getty Images Some women gamers have reported being threatened by online trolls, some even enduring death threats Despite the harsh realities of being a female gamer, Harvey is upbeat: "Most of my career and my life.
History of this topic

Women Gamers Emerging as the Future Torchbearers
Deccan Chronicle
A blockbuster Chinese video game sparks debate on sexism in the nation’s gaming industry
The Independent
Women command 41% share in India’s gaming arena: survey
The Hindu
The dark threats and sexual abuse women gamers endure
The Independent
Resignations and reckoning: Game industry’s existential quest for a more inclusive space
LA Times
Girl gamers are three times more likely to pursue science, math degrees
India Today
Girl gamers: The women who earn six figures playing consoles on camera
The Independent
Mass Effect: Andromeda Is A Stark Reminder That Girls Game Too
Huff Post
Women gamers battle misogyny, violence: Will they breach gaming industry's gender divide?
Girls keep out: Female video gamers face vile abuse, threats
Associated Press
Report: More women want to become video game designers
NL Times
Gamergate Goons Can Scream All They Want, But They Can't Stop Progress
Zoe Quinn harassment: A letter to a young male gamer.
Art imitating life: How sexism in video games mirrors real-life gender imbalance
The IndependentJust a Girl Gamer, GeekMom, Post-Modern Digital Diva
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