Home care for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients: How to self-quarantine safely when one lives with others
FirstpostThe population density and cultural norms in India are such that most people not only share their life and space with their families but also with their neighbours and communities. Months after the novel coronavirus infection first spread across the world, the situation of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients still poses a conundrum. The asymptomatic patient’s conundrum Even the World Health Organisation recently had to retract its statement that asymptomatic patients spreading the virus was “very rare” the very next day, and admit that actual rates of asymptomatic transmission aren’t known yet. Guidelines for asymptomatic patients So, the only viable option for asymptomatic patients in such cases is to comply completely with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare until you’ve recovered and received a COVID-19 negative test result. The following are the norms all asymptomatic COVID-19 patients must adhere to.