India COVID-19 lockdown means no food or work for rural poor
Al JazeeraMillions in underdeveloped regions face penury and deprivation as economic activity grinds to a halt due to lockdown. Mumbai, India – For farm worker Manisha Uke, being able to survive is contingent on two factors – one, getting a daily wage of 100 Indian rupees a day and two, receiving a widow’s monthly pension of 1,000 rupees from the government. With the lockdown suspending all forms of work for three weeks, India’s poorest from some of the country’s most underdeveloped regions now face penury and deprivation. According to the World Bank’s 2015 estimates, India has 176 million people living in extreme poverty and like Uke, who earn less than $1.9 a day. These were supposed to be emergency measures and one wonders if India’s systems, weak anyway, will be able to deliver these benefits,” Sinha says.