Christian hypocrisy on parade as evangelicals battle mask mandates and vaccinations: columnist
3 years ago

Christian hypocrisy on parade as evangelicals battle mask mandates and vaccinations: columnist

Raw Story  

In a column published by NBC News, Maggie Siddiqi of the Center for American Progress called out the evangelical leaders for ignoring Covid-19 recommendations regarding masks and vaccines in their pursuit of fighting a cultural war with the left. As Siddiqi wrote, far-right extremists within the evangelical movement are attempting to use religious exemptions to avoid following sensible health protocols and, in the process, are putting their followers at risk. Indeed for years, extreme-right Christian groups have been misusing religious freedom to do everything from discriminating against LGBTQ people to denying access to reproductive health care. It quickly became clear that if they could win exemptions from emergency public health orders on religious freedom grounds — even in the face of a deadly, highly contagious disease — they could win any claim by exploiting religious freedom." It was always a right-wing political agenda, cloaked in faith," she wrote before adding, "The truth is not a single religious denomination opposes the Covid vaccines.

History of this topic

When faith threatens public health
4 years, 9 months ago

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