Pupils in England could sit digital GCSE exams from 2026 under proposals
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Our ambition is that students will sit a large-entry subject – that means, in our case, hundreds of thousands of simultaneous exams – digitally by 2030 Colin Hughes, AQA A report by AQA said that the first exams will largely replicate the existing paper exams on screen, but it said there is much potential for “more innovative and interactive assessment” in the longer term. It added: “We will not do away with traditional pen and paper exams in a rush, and anticipate an exam system where some components of some GCSE or A-level courses are delivered in a paper-based manner and other components are digitally delivered.” Students’ devices will be offline in the exam hall and they will not be able to search for information on the internet, nor will they be able to access artificial intelligence tools, the exam board said. The benefits are substantial.” Our current system is becoming increasingly outdated, and at GCSE results in students taking a vast number of terminal pen-and-paper exams Tom Middlehurst, ASCL Earlier this year, the OCR exam board also piloted digital exams in UK schools. “Our current system is becoming increasingly outdated, and at GCSE results in students taking a vast number of terminal pen-and-paper exams.” He added: “While a digital approach has many benefits, it is imperative that it comes with proper investment in educational technology that ensures all students are given equal access to the devices they will use in exams.
History of this topic

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