越南现44.1度高温天气 打破历史纪录
China Daily近日越南出现了创纪录的44.1度高温,人们不得不提早出工,避开高温时段。与此同时,泰国、孟加拉、印度等国也出现了比往年更炎热的高温天气。 Photo/Pexels Vietnam has reported a record-high temperature of 44.1C, as weather experts and authorities told the population to remain indoors during the hottest parts of the day. 科学家称,全球变暖令恶劣天气加剧。四月份亚洲遭遇热浪袭击,越南的邻国也出现了创纪录的高温天气。 Vietnam’s record was measured indoors at Hoi Xuan station in northern Thanh Hoa province on Saturday, the National Centre for Hydro Meteorological Forecasting said, breaking the 2019 record of 43.4C. 越南的天气从南到北各不相同,但是目前全国普遍都进入了最炎热的夏季。 "This is a worrying record in the context of climate change and global warming,” Nguyen Ngoc Huy, a climate change expert, said from the capital, Hanoi. 上周六中午时分,河内市中心几乎空无一人,许多人都在室内躲避日晒。 The Thai meteorological department reported a record-equalling 44.6C in western Tak province in April, while Myanmar media said a town in the country’s east reported 43.8C, the highest in a decade. 印度气象部门表示,印度部分地区的气温比往年高出了大约3到4度。 A report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said recently that “every increment of global warming will intensify multiple and concurrent hazards”.