"No Woman Would Commit Suicide In Nudity, Clear Case Of Homicide": Kerala High Court Upholds Husband's Conviction For Wife's Murder
Live LawThe Kerala High Court has upheld the life sentence given to the husband under Section 302 of the IPC for the murder of his wife by hanging. The Court upheld the conviction by ruling out the possibility of suicide since the body of the deceased was found hanging in a nude state in a lodge room which was locked from the outside. Suresh Kumar and Justice C.Pratheep Kumar relied upon the evidence of the police surgeon to state that normally Indian women hide their nudity when they commit suicide. P9 series photographs, the deceased was found hanging nude, is a clear indication against suicide and a sign of homicide.” As per the prosecution case, the accused suspected the chastity of the wife and committed her murder by hanging. Further, the Court relied upon the evidence of the police surgeon's deposition that normally females would not commit suicide in a nude state unless they are mentally unstable to rule out the possibility of suicide.